Our STEAM Camps program aims to teach students about different aspects of STEAM Education and what it’s all about. Students have many options when deciding what area they want to focus on. Each Steam Camp is a 10-week long session of weekly 2-hour camps with instructors and other students online. The beauty of our Steam Camps is that they are virtual, so no matter where you live, you can attend a Steam Camp!

3D Printing
steam camps

An opportunity to observe and learn the new, up-and-coming technology of 3D printing.

steam camps

Work with the latest technologies to design, build, program, and test robots of your own design.

steam camps

Master the basics of Python/Java programming, which are important in this growing digital world.

Graphic Design
steam campS

Learn to edit photos, videos, and make digital art all from the comfort of your computer.

App Development
steam camps

Learn to develop iOS applications used by people all around the world.

Game Development
steam camps

Learn to develop Java-based video games, using various game building engines.


Referral Discounts of Up to $30 available


EARLY BIRD Applicants


Regular Applicants

$5 off per referral for The REferrer and the person they refer

Camp Media

Parent and Student Testimonials

View testimonials from both parents and students of prior Camps.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]